A well known hot spot for contemporary and minimalist art in Berlin is the Konrad Fischer Gallery in Lindenstrasse.
Konrad Fischer Gallery
The Konrad Fischer gallery features SLS 20.3 LED luminaires that were chosen to perfectly match its minimalistic aesthetic style.

The building in Berlin-Mitte was designed by architect Hans Heinrich Müller in 1928 and built to accommodate electrical distribution. In a converted substation near the Spittelmarkt, the Konrad Fischer Gallery has established itself around the Springer house on Rudi-Dutschke-Strasse in Kreuzberg.

After extensive renovation, the gallery officially opened in 2019. During the remodeling and in accordnace with the significant protections of historical monuments, the architectural firm of Heide & von Beckerath paid particular attention to the gallery rooms.

Especially regarding the textures and surfaces and many lighting features. The minimalist artistic style was retained and enhanced by the selection of the Luxsystem SLS 20.3 LED luminaires. Solving the lighting challenges while minimizing any potential damage to the art using Luxsystems light sources that have been successfully tested for their usage in museums.

Property owner
Heide & von Beckerath, Berlin
Light planning
Anne Boissel | Licht und Raumgestaltung, Berlin
Luminaire type
SL 20.3 LED